Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Roses In The Walkway

Though the cherry blossoms are all gone, the roses in our walkway have started to bloom - and they're gorgeous! I love having flowers greet me as soon as I walk outside, despite all the bees that like to join the party. It always puts me in a good mood. ^-^

Hopefully these little roses will add some cheer to your day too!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sweater Love : Mikayla Sweater From BB Dakota

Source: BB Dakota

Orange is definitely not my favorite color, but there's enough black and gray in this piece to make it an acceptable pop of color, instead of the main focus. I think it's super cute, and I'm even down with the tassels! Definitely a fun looking, cozy sweater.

What are your thoughts on orange?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Adventures : Grand Lake Farmers Market

Grand Lake Farmers Market is amazing. Of the four that I know of in the East Bay, this one is the largest and most fun. I'm extra lucky because it's also the closest one to my house! In addition to all the delicious fresh fruits, veggies, cheeses, meats and drinks, there's also a huge selection of flowers, prepared food and food trucks, as well as various handmade pieces of art, jewelry and pottery.

These stackable bowls stole my heart.

Fresh flowers everywhere!

Bicycle Coffee is super delicious, and I'm amazed that their entire stand can be broken down and contained in this little cart. (Which is then pulled along by bicycle!)

This fine gentleman serenaded the crowd with beautiful music - which was very reminiscent of Amelie.

My favorite thing to eat here is from Fleur de Lyon : a Garnet Sweet Potato Brioche, accompanied by a spinach salad drizzled with Balsamic Vinegar dressing.

So many people bring their dogs along to enjoy the festivities, and I love looking at all the little pups almost as much as the Market itself. ^^

My haul from the Farmers Market: mixed greens, scallions, mandarin oranges, pink lady apples, multi-color carrots, boccalone ciauscolo salame, sage cheddar cheese, a peach honey stick (hidden), and pretzel croissants.

This salame is life changing - I don't even like mushrooms, but this is too good to pass up!

Best cheese ever: sage cheddar.

Multi-color carrots - can you see the purple one, hidden at the bottom? I must admit I had never eaten a carrot that wasn't orange before this, but all of these were super tasty.

A Peach Honey stick. It may not look all that impressive, but this simple, sweet & delicious treat has become my new favorite snack.

I'm from the Midwest, so a year round Farmers Market still blows my mind. I hope you all are lucky enough to live near one, but if not I highly recommend stopping at any you might find on your travels. It's super fun! 

Thanks for looking. ^-^

Monday, April 16, 2012

Adventures : Zombie Madness

It started off as such a peaceful day... Kim and I were making coffee & having a little chat, when suddenly - ZOMBIES!

Destroying zombies is fun. ^-^

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Littlest Zombie Killer

Zombies by the gate? No problem, I got this.

Had a very fun photo shoot with Misa, Kim and Jesse to snag some zombie-esque, multi-person shots for her next painting. I realize there's a distinct lack of blood - though there is a small bandage on my left arm! I hope you can let it slide.  :D  I definitely had a blast. (More to come soon.)

Have a great weekend everybody!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Delicious : Spring Inspired Lunch

Today's lunch was super simple, and consisted of a sliced Pink Lady apple, Mandarin oranges, and Fontina cheese - all drizzled with Orange Blossom honey. Yum! It kept me in a very Spring-like mood. 

I've been trying to incorporate way more fruit and honey into my life, and so far it's going well!

Protip: If you happen to also be afflicted with allergies, eating local honey on a regular basis can help - since it's full of the pollens that may be setting your allergies off. It truly needs to be local though, otherwise you'll be training your body to deal with pollens that might not be in your area. ^-^

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Is Here!

The tree in our walkway has blossomed, and I'm loving it. <3 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Movies : The Artist

Source: Filmofilia

I managed to go see The Artist a few days before the Oscars, so I was doubly excited to see such a fantastic movie win big. To be honest, I haven't seen nearly enough silent films, but the few that I have seen I've loved - and The Artist is no exception. It's got everything: a cute and quirky romance, beautiful music, sound gags, an adorable dog, fantastic dancing, and the struggle of dealing with changing times.

Source: Evention

Not only are these two gorgeous, they also have extremely expressive faces. (Which is pretty important in a silent film.) As Gloria Swanson famously stated in her portrayal of Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard
"We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!"

Source: Telegraph

And of course, that adorable dog I mentioned. Every hero needs a sidekick. ^-^

If you're looking for an inspiring film that isn't afraid to deal with matters of the heart and personal struggles, (but manages to end on a happy note - in true Hollywood style) I highly recommend The Artist.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Sweater Love : Cozy Wolf Top

Source: Forever 21

It's no secret that I love wolves. (Foxes run  a close second, but wolves will always win in my book.) 
Though my wardrobe consists of a lot of gray and black, every once in a while I'll throw in a pop of bright pink or teal to keep it interesting - especially if there's an awesome graphic involved. 

This pullover from Forever 21 clocks in at a fantastic $8.99, and was a deal I couldn't pass up.
 I love it! I'll be sure to share pictures whenever it appears in my mailbox.
Keep it wild!

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